Leg problems

Clouds with legs

It is quite a challenge to constantly be confronted with „new“ health issues. If one considers that body and spirit actually belong together like two sides of a coin, then health issues are actually nothing new. They have been there all along taking on different disguises. The tobacco smoke that rises from the ashtray should have been enough of a signal. Those short nights with little sleep and too much drink have left their mark a long time ago. And the excercise resistent attitude pays off in the long run because you can‘t run any more.

23 known years of diabetes were only sporadically taken seriously. All the glucose in your blood system along with the residue of nicotine consumption has done its best to clog your veins and arteries. CAD and PAD are the consequence of this lifestyle. These letters stand for Cardiac Arterial Disease and Peripheral Arterial Disease. At the moment I am suffering from PAD in my right leg. And that is about 4 months after I lost my left big toe because of diabetic circulation problems. My left leg was able to get an angioplasty treatment and a closed artery was reopened. So the wound of the amputated left toe has been healing nicely due to improved arterial circulation.

But the right leg is not doing well. A chronic open wound has developed within the last three months on the inside of my right ankle. It cannot heal because of the poor blood circulation. This can be seen very clearly from the results of a CT-scan. The arteries in my right lower leg seem to be nonexistent. The only real hope is to have a successful Angioplasty. The vascular surgeon, who will perform this operation on September 14th, is not sure it will be as successful as on the left leg.

At the moment I am hardly able to walk without pain in my right leg. My muscles and nerves are not getting enough oxygen due to the poor blood circulation. This is actually quite an urgent and acute situation. I could lose my right leg if this upcoming angioplasty does not work.

I hope and trust that modern day medicine will be able to help me again. At some point this will no longer be possible. Yes, I did quit smoking and yes, I have my blood sugar under control. But the life of the past is still present today.

For the past two months I have been in Royan, France together with my partner Yên in her wonderful home. Her daily, yes hourly care and love for me is without borders. Her energy has the goal of making me responsible for my life. Her life motto „Tomorrow is Today“ helps me keep going


Author: KiteMike

I am a progressive democrat living in Berlin, Germany. Previously an architect I am founder of the first and oldest kite and juggling shop in Berlin - see www.flying-colors.de.

2 thoughts on “Leg problems”

  1. OMG, I’m really praying for you to get through this. I think I have the same thing in my legs. Can’t walk, either. Keep me posted brother, I’m on your side.

  2. Still and again I cross mi fingers and wish to find a way helping you through this tough time. Love to you Michael!

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